Core Business

Protein Chips Division

The Group manufactures and distributes its C-12 products to hospitals, medical centres and life insurance companies in China. The C-12 product is capable of detecting up to twelve tumor markers simultaneously and assisting in early detection of ten prevalent cancer tumor types. During the year, the Group continued to experience steady demand for C-12 products. C-12 products have been listed on the Basic Medical Insurance System ("BMIS") as a reimbursable drug in several provinces of China and on the BMIS of Shanghai Municipality in October 2009. The Group believes that more provinces and municipalities will include C-12 products on their BMIS. Despite a weak and unstable global economy and limited export sales, the Group expects the overall growth for the protein chips sales based on domestic demand to be promising and sustainable in the future.

Health Care Division

Under this division, the Group launched a coordinated and nationwide sales and marketing campaign for its HPV DNA testing kits and making important progress to register its products for distribution to female patients at hospitals nationwide.

The HPV DNA testing kits offer superior sensitivity (>95%) for early screening of cervical cancer compared with conventional pap-smear test (50-60%). Besides, it does not require a large upfront capital investment on specialised equipment. According to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer is fully preventable and curable if pre-cancerous lesions are detected and treated early.

Cervical cancer is caused by a common virus called human papillomavirus ("HPV"). High-risk, cancer-causing types of HPV can be detected using DNA technology. Women above age 18 are recommended to take annual examination to screen cervical disease or cancer.

Medical Centres Management

The division is principally engaged in the provision of healthcare services for residents living in cities that demand attentive and quality healthcare services, and is complimentary to the Company’s existing business activities particularly in strengthening and expanding capability to launch health screening packages to residents living in major cities in China.

Individualised Target Therapy Division

This new division was established following the acquisition of Shanghai Yuanqi Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Limited in August 2011. The division now has developed specialised molecular diagnostic kits for leukemia, lymphoma and individualised target cancer therapy.

Bio-drugs Division

This unit is principally engaged in the development, production and commercialisation of a new generation of non-specific nanotechnology immunomodulatory drugs known as non-cell corynebacterium pavum products. The unit is further expanded by the acquisition of Shanghai Huipu Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Limited by the Group in December 2011. The unit is still in its early stage of development and is not expected to make significant contribution to the Group in the next couple of years.